Your mission

"Flash" and collect Space Invaders found on your wanderings.
Good luck !

How to play

1. Find a street mosaic by Invader.
2. Aim, zoom and Flash it ! Only Flashes of the actual street mosaic will be validated, do not cheat from your couch !
3. If the Flash is validated, the Space Invader is added to your gallery and you score points.



• Don't put yourself at risk for a Flash.

• Use one account for one player on one device.


Where can I find Space Invaders ?

Look around you! visit the list of invaded cities.

Why isn't my Flash validated ?

• The Space Invader is not recognized : refer to the sketch above, try to avoid light reflections, shadows and plants over the mosaic. If it's too damaged the app cannot recognize it.


• Your picture or GPS position may not be accurate enough. Check that your GPS position is correct, open a maps app, turn on your wifi to increase gps accuracy.


• Are you sure it's an Invader mosaic? Beware of copycats!


We cannot, under any circumstances, validate a Flash afterwards.

How to update my pseudo or email ?

You can manage your account settings from the icon on the top right corner of your ACCOUNT page.

How to recover my account if I loose or change my phone ?

First you need to have your email registered in the ACCOUNT page. When you first open the app on your new device, choose "existing account". The number of transfer is limited in time. Your account can only be installed on one device at a time. During a transfer, the "saved Flash" are not transferred and will be lost.

One of the Space Invaders I have Flashed doesn't appear on my gallery / score !

Swipe down to refresh your GALLERY. If it still doesn't appear, this means it had not been validated.

Why have I been flagged as a cheater ?

One or more of your Flashes have been identified as fraudulent. Nothing personal.

How to save a Flash for later ?

If you don't have an Internet connection or if you'd like to validate your Flash at a later date, simply activate the offline mode. To do this, click the arrow icon which is on the left of the red button on the FLASH page .
The icon turns red, you're in offline mode.
All your Flash photos and data will be listed in the SAVED FLASHS section of the GALLERY page. To validate a saved Flash, open SAVED FLASHS  and click on the Flash you want to validate.

What about my personal data ?

FlashInvaders needs to keep photo, GPS position and datetime of your flashes in order to validate, keep highscore ranking table and save your progression.
Your email adresse is only used when moving your account.
All the latest validated Flashes are displayed on the live page, you can choose to hide your pseudo from the account page.
We store and protect data on our own server.
We do not share those data with any third parties.
We do not process those data outside of the game scope.
More information on the legal page

How can I send picture taken outside of the app ?

It's not allowed.

I still have a question !

It's useless to contact us for inquiry about the condition, localisation or authenticity of any Space Invaders. We cannot, under any circumstances, validate a Flash afterwards. Read the Help page again, and contact the support if needed.



Code: AD, Boris, Julien
Pixel: Fabien, Clément, Invader



© Invader 2014-2024
all rights reserved
legal and copyrights